"I remember he had a glass eye." Mr. Reifel said:. "I forgot about it or didn't pay much attention to it." 。 Do you mean he can't see anything? "Of course he can," said Miss Marple. "He can see, but only with one eye, and that's his right eye. So, to be clear, he must have seen something behind me on the left, not behind me on the right. "Is there anyone behind you on the left?" "Yes," Miss Marple said. "Tim and his wife are sitting not far away. Sitting at a table next to a big clump of hibiscus flowers. They check out there. So the Major looked up, and his left glass eye flashed over his right shoulder, but what he saw with his right eye was a man sitting next to the hibiscus flower, whose face, though a little older, was exactly the same as the man in the picture,collapsible pallet box, who happened to be next to the hibiscus flower. Tim had heard the major's usual anecdote, and he found that the major recognized him. Of course he had to kill him. Later, he had to kill Victoria because she saw him leave a bottle of medicine in the major's room. At first, she didn't see anything wrong with it. Tim Kendall had to go into guests' rooms sometimes. This is a natural thing. Maybe he went in to put back the things that the guests forgot in the restaurant. But then she thought something was wrong and ran to ask him again, so of course he had to get rid of her. But this is what he's really going to do today. He's been planning it for a long time. I'm telling you, he's a man who murdered his wife. "What the hell are you talking about?" Tim Kendall bellowed. 。 Suddenly there was a howl,plastic pallet manufacturer, a mad, angry cry. Eshu Walders threw Mr. Reifel away. Barely throwing him to the ground, she ran over and tugged fiercely at Jaxson. Let him go! Let him go! 。 Not true. Not a word of it will be true. Tim, my dear Tim. That's not true. You would never kill anyone. I know you wouldn't. How could you. You're the one who married this woman. She goes around saying bad things about you. It's all lies. None of them are true. I believe in you. I love you and I trust you. I won't believe what others say. I & # 8212; & # 8212; I ——” At this point, Tim Kendall finally broke down. 。“ God knows, you damned bitch, "he said." Will you shut up? Are you going to send me to the gallows? You shut up. Shut your big, ugly mouth! "Poor fool," said Mr. Reifel slowly. "So that's what happened!" T, plastic pallet suppliers ,collapsible pallet box, xt, small, say, day, don www. XiaoshuotXt, coM Twenty-four. Miss Marple uses her imagination. "So that's what happened?" Said Mr. Reifel. He and Miss Marple were sitting together mysteriously. She had an affair with Tim Kendall. Isn't it? "I'm afraid it's not just a love affair." Miss Marple said with authority: "I think I'm not only romantic, but I'm going to get married in the future." "What & # 8212; & # 8212; after his wife dies?" ?” "I don't think that poor Eshu Walders knew that Molly was going to die." "Miss Marple said," I think she just believed what Tim Kendall told her about Molly being in love with another man. And the man chased her here. I think she was hoping Tim would get a divorce. I don't think it's anything wrong or undignified. But she did fall deeply in love with him. This is not difficult to understand, this boy is very handsome. But do you know what he sees in her? "You should know, shouldn't you?" Said Miss Marple. I can say I know quite well, but I don't know how you know. Anyway, I don't know how Tim Kendall knows that. 。” "Well, I think I can easily explain it to you with a little imagination; but of course, if you were to tell me, it would be much easier." "I won't tell you," said Mr. Reifel. "You tell me, because you're very clever." "Well, I actually hinted to you," said Miss Marple, "that Jaxson of yours might have a habit of peeking at your business documents." "Very likely," said Mr. Reifel. "But I don't think it would do him any good. I was prepared for it. "I suppose," said Miss Marple, "he may have read your will." "Oh, I see.". Right, right. I do have a will with me. "You said," said Miss Marple, "that you said (very loudly) that you had left nothing to Eshu Walders in your will. 。 And you specifically told her and Jaxson not to expect anything. My guess is that you didn't give anything to Jaxson, but you left money for Eshu Walders. Even though you haven't let on. Am I right? "Yes, yes, but how do you know?" "That's because you put so much emphasis on it," said Miss Marple. "I've learned a lot about how people lie." "Well, I surrender,ibc spill containment pallet," said Mr. Reifel. "I left five thousand pounds to Issu. I wanted to surprise her when I died. I think when Tim Kendall found out. He decided to get rid of his present wife with a kind of medicine, and then marry another five thousand pounds plus Eshu Walders. 。 He might get rid of her when the time came, but how could he know that she would inherit five thousand pounds? 。 binpallet.com