The most recent Mut 24 coins Gridiron Notes were rather lacking in updates to franchise mode which triggered an immediate and immediate protests from the players. Social media was the place to be, and this was reflected in the hashtag #FixMaddenFranchise which ended up becoming the top trending hashtag across the USA. The debate over franchise mode has continued and EA has released today to respond to the criticism and feedback.

Seann Graddy, executive producer of Madden 24 Seann Graddy, executive producer of Madden 24. stated that EA has listened to the voice of the franchise community loud and loud and EA will take steps to improve the franchise mode in the future. "We've been receiving your requests for information on what franchise players will be able to expect in the future," said Graddy. "And even though I'm not able to provide a lot of details to provide you at this time however, I can inform you that our team is developing plans to help franchises for Madden 24 and beyond."

Graddy continues to explain that the team's focus is on making Madden 24 up and running for its launch date, but would like to share thoughts and strategies for franchise mode prior to when the game's launch.

EA evidently felt that it was no longer able to stand by and do nothing since the main discussion around Madden 24 had mostly devolved to a discussion of the things that were not part of Madden 24's "franchise mode. But I want to emphasize that expectations must be kept under control. We're less than two months away from a launch date, so the possibility of massive significant changes being made to Madden 24. the franchise version of buy mut 24 coins xbox prior to launch is far from the air. The most important thing to do to any video game involves improving and fixing the game things, so the most important thing to attempt to do is introduce a plethora of features that are stuffed with bugs.